Grinning Demon Games
It is an exciting time for Grinning Demon Games LLC. Our expandable card game, full length novel, and board game are ready for production while our Tabletop RPG is going through its final revisions. We also have many more projects lined up for the future. All possible by assistance from our allies and support from players like you. We have been fortunate to have the rich community of tabletop gamers. Thank you, truly.

Who is Grinning Demon Games? Our core team is our master mathematician, Clint Menezes, our word crafter, Travis Almon, and our fearless leader and game designer, Yitzi Santer.

Our goal always has been and will continue to be to make great games and stories. But what does that mean exactly? Well, in our many collective lifetimes of gaming experience, we’ve determined a few things. A great game has meaningful choices. Choices that matter. Choices that determine victory or defeat. Choices that define a character. Choices that are satisfying. A great game has well thought out rules governed by logic and heavily tested. A great game is welcoming and accessible to all gamers. A great game is rich in storytelling. Stories that speak to us. Allow us to explore ourselves. Great games allow a space for us to express ourselves and our own styles, ambitions, dreams, and even our fears. Lastly, great games are simply fun.

That’s who we are. An ambitious team who loves games, stories, and gamers.

Grow your strength in this 1-4 player worker placement RPG of spying, deception, shopping, and monster slaying alongside your foes as you train for the honor and glory of winning a grand battle tournament.

Follow us on Kickstarter - Going live August!


Delve into a deep and unique fantasy world to explore and fight for survival. This all d12 tabletop roleplaying game of grit and resolve focuses on heavy character customization and teamwork. Rising Legends allows you to watch your character leave their mark on history.

Choose from 25 playable species that can mix for half-breeds and assign points on abilities to make a truly unique character.

The full ruleset is online and we provide a digital character builder.

The Empire is shattered and great cities struggle for dwindling resources in this high tactics card game for 2 players.

Send your characters to battle with support of spells and gear. Each use pushes them closer to exhaustion, leaving them vulnerable to defeat.

Our first set of 235 cards introduces 15 cities, each home to 2 legendary heroes.


Follow the story of the creation of the Kingdom of Keridwyn long before it became an empire. This full length novel is currently in final editing and formatting.

© 2023 - Grinning Demon Games. All rights reserved.